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Back to Basics Podcast

Back to Basics is Guardian Medical Direction’s podcast hosted by Chris and Jason Seitz. Podcasts are available for CEs at guardiancme.com

Antibiotics: Persistent Resistance

In modern medicine, antibiotics have emerged as a cornerstone in battling bacterial infections. These powerful drugs have transformed healthcare, saving countless lives through their ability to fight

Burns: Too Hot to Handle

Burns are among the most intense, painful, and potentially life-threatening injuries one can endure. Understanding the basics of burns, including their causes, types, severity, and initial management,

Capnography Waveforms

Capnography is a critical tool in the field of emergency medical services (EMS), and provides live, important data on the patient’s respiratory status. While it’s counterpart, SP02,


Concussions and Traumatic Brain Injuries

Concussions and traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are significant health concerns that affect millions of people worldwide. While various factors can cause TBIs, sports-related head injuries have gained