Good Faith Exams
Virtual clearance exams by experienced providers.
Streamline your clinic’s operations with GuardianMD’s Good Faith Exams.
Provider-Patient Relationship
We believe the provider-patient relationship is the cornerstone of quality healthcare, and it all starts with the initial exam. With our fully developed telemedicine platform, GMDConnect, patients can easily schedule their Good Faith Exam and be prepared for the appointment at your clinic.
GMD Connect
Good Faith Exams in GMD Connect are reserved exclusively for clinics with medical oversight through GuardianMD.
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Good Faith Exams
Good faith exams, also known as pre-authorization exams or clearance exams, are exams that are conducted by an advanced practitioner before a medical procedure is performed. The purpose of these exams is to ensure that the procedure is medically necessary and that it is the best option for the patient.
These exams are an important part of some medical protocols because they help prevent fraud and abuse of the healthcare system. Many states require these exams to be completed before a patient receives certain treatments or procedures.

Best Care Practices
State medical and nursing boards are increasing the requirement for clearance exams for more services in non-physician-led clinics. At GuardianMD, regardless of your state regulations, we recommend that all your patients be cleared through a Good Faith Exam before receiving services. This supports best care practices and helps keep you and your patients safe.
Clearance exams are generally only required once a year for treatments such as IV hydration unless there are significant changes in health history. Some treatments always require a clearance exam. Examples include peptide therapy and advanced aesthetic procedures, such as Botox.