Michigan Immune Defense – IV Hydration Business

Meet Mallory Capp, a compassionate nurse with a passion for helping others. Her journey from the intensive care unit (ICU) to becoming a successful business owner is a story of resilience, innovation, and the pursuit of a dream. In this blog post, we’ll explore Mallory’s journey, from her early days in nursing to the challenges she faced during the COVID-19 pandemic and how it ultimately led her to start her own business in the healthcare industry

From a young age, Mallory knew that she wanted to be in a service industry, driven by a desire to make a positive impact on people’s lives. With a knack for the sciences, nursing became the natural fit for her. The hands-on nature of nursing allowed her to forge meaningful connections with patients, making it a fulfilling career choice.

With 14 years of nursing experience, Mallory’s journey began at Henry Ford Hospital in Downtown Detroit, where she spent 12 years in the ICU. Her dedication and expertise led her to a leadership role as a unit educator in 2019, where she played a crucial role in orienting new staff and keeping education and policies up to date.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020, the ICU transformed into a COVID unit. The uncertainty and fear surrounding the virus put immense pressure on her and her team. Despite the challenges, Mallory’s determination and curiosity led her to explore alternative treatments, especially those involving natural immune system boosts through vitamin therapies.

Motivated by her research and a desire to offer preventive healthcare options outside the hospital setting, Mallory decided to take a bold step—starting her own business. She founded Michigan Immune Defense, specializing in vitamin-based IV infusions designed to boost the immune system. This marked a significant shift from being an employee to becoming a business owner.

Starting a healthcare business comes with its own set of challenges, particularly dealing with government regulations. As a nurse, Mallory understood the importance of medical oversight provided by a physician. However, traditional routes often meant surrendering majority ownership to a doctor, posing potential conflicts and risks.

Mallory’s breakthrough came when she discovered Guardian MD, a unique business model that aligned with her needs. This innovative approach provided the required medical oversight while allowing her to retain full ownership of Michigan Immune Defense. Guardian MD offered protocols, policies, chart reviews, and access to a team of medical directors, ensuring compliance with regulations.

Mallory Capp’s journey from a dedicated ICU nurse to a successful entrepreneur is a testament to her resilience, adaptability, and commitment to making a difference in healthcare. Her story inspires us to navigate challenges, seek unconventional solutions, and pursue our dreams with determination. As Michigan Immune Defense continues to thrive, Mallory stands as an inspiration for aspiring healthcare entrepreneurs.